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Naftalan oil

Properties of naphthalan oil

Naphthalan oil dermal absorption has a positive effect on capillary blood flow. It improves circulation in small vessels, widens blood vessels, reduces blood clotting ability, increases the enzymatic activity, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its effectiveness in various diseases has been confirmed by the results of more than 1,600 scientific papers and monographs. Naphthalan is a preventive and remedial measure for more than 70 diseases of various specifications. It is effective in 92% of cases if used by the qualified specialists. Due to the therapeutic effect of substances contained in naphthalan oil, including naphthalan hydrocarbons, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, chlorine, potassium carbonate and zinc, you will be able to recover your health. For curative purposes, naphthalan baths are taken for a few minutes 4-5 times a week at a temperature of 37-38 °C. Then oil is removed from the body with soap and natural well alkaline water at a temperature of 34-36 °C, followed by the rest in the room for 1-2 hours. Along with naphthalan oil, sun baths, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics, mineral waters and healthy nutrition are used for the treatment of patients.